Two further brands ….

The list of “British” watch brands keeps getting longer. Every time I look I find another. Well I’ve just found two.


The first RLT Watches would appear an honest attempt to market British watches at a reasonable price without relying on authenticity developed by brand strategists. Since 1987 they offer from their headquarters in Yorkshire a range of watches at very reasonable prices (£49 – £199) with a variety of quartz and mechanical movements.

You can find more information : RLT Watches


The second, The Camden Watch Company, comes from the opposite end of the “brand stategist spectrum” in so much as at first glance their company seems almost entirely marketing driven. On the plus side their watches are again at the reasonable end of the price scale starting at £69 and reaching £110. The range also includes some women’s watches. The watches are designed in Camden and manufactured in the Far East. Their “Britishness” being further enhanced, according to the website, by the fact packaging is hand-stamped, our displays are handmade in our HQ and all our guarantees are printed, stamped and folded in London.

You can find out more information : Camden Watch Company