Tag Archives: Aston Martin Db4 Zagota

Hodinkee Chr. Ward reflections

I read this article as it was giving the Hodinkee team’s view on this limited edition watch from Christopher Ward.



C-9 db4 special edition

C-9 db4 special edition

The article gives the usual balanced assessment of the watch but then goes onto make some observations about the appropriate linking of limited edition watches to other prestige brands/products; in this case a very special Aston Martin. I think they have a point there does seem to mis-match between the the watch and the car.

There could also be another way of looking at the thoughts behind the watch. It could be that the people at Chr. Ward came across an opportunity to obtain material from this much admired car and came up with this way of using. I will have to get in touch and see if they can tell me what the truth is.