Tag Archives: Scottish Watches

Another – “How I started a watch company”

Since I started writing this blog it seems to me that there are more and more watch companies starting up, and this trend isn’t limited to the UK.

Bearing this in mind I assume there are also people out there thinking “I’d like to start a watch company – how do you do it ? “. Well with this post I don’t aim to answer this question, just to point you in the direction of another great interview on the Scottish Watches podcast, this time with Paul Sweetenham of the British brand Farer Watches.


Watch It Show – A Scottish View

I saw the “Watch It” show announced on Instagram, but due to me being based in London and the show falling at a particularily busy time for me family wise I was unable to attend.

So the first “Watch It” show, a spin off of the Watchitallabout watch blog, was held on November 9th in Rugby. The idea to being to offer an event for watch enthusiasts in the Midlands. And by all accounts was a great success. I am therefore pleased to have found a report of the event by the very amusing gentlemen from the Scottish Watch blog.


During this edition of the podcast there are some interesting short interviews/chats with a few of our favourite British brands (Pinion and Zero West) as well as several more I was less familiar with. Definitely worth a listen.